By making an entry on this page, I'm exclaiming that I had a wonderful (part of a) day. I experienced something positive that excited me, encouraged me or challenged me, affirming that, yes, I do still “have a life.”  This page has been created FOR YOU.  Maybe it will give you some ideas on how to spend a day.  Maybe it will bring a smile to your weary face.

~May you be blessed.~

April 27, 2017  [See treatment/progress notes under Lyme disease.  Saw Dr. Tony the end of March for my check-up.  Found further infection.] Today, I fought to not let the depression dragon get the best of me.  I rejoice that I was able to do that by staying busy at home (did 3 loads of laundry, made 8 cups of colloidal silver, chased my goats back into their yard a couple of times, ate a wonderful few ounces of (home-grown) steak with an organic salad, enjoyed a 2nd Americano, watched old Andy Griffith shows on Netflix, kept up on my (filtered) water intake, took a hot shower and worked at updating this website!  I ALWAYS feel better by helping others.  I hope this website helps you.

I have an appointment with Dr. Tony next week to see why I'm not making the progress he’d expected.

Feb 3, 2017 Overcome with JOY

Tears of joy rolled down my face the moment I awoke this early a.m. as I replayed, in my mind, the exhilarating experience I had yesterday.  I am 7+ weeks out from my LymeStop ( ) treatment in Idaho USA and yesterday afternoon I SWAM!!!!!!!!  I really truly SWAM!  I’ve not been able to swim for over 15 years; my body was too weak, my lung capacity too inefficient, my oversensitivity to temperatures intolerant to cold and my neurological system (brain and nerves) refusing to remember HOW to swim (zero coordination of the limbs and breathing!) 

I want to remember forever the initial sensation of the “gentle blue world” smoothly slipping over my entire body as I glided underwater! I also did the breast stroke (the most difficult as my range-of-motion in my neck is very restricted), the side stroke, the back stroke and, of course, just floated easily on the surface of the pool water, which I had entirely to myself!  The evil panic attack tried to overcome me at first as I argued with myself about actually being submerged under water (“what if I’m too weak to come up for air”... bla bla bla) but I prayed for God to help me relax and I gently worked my way to waist-deep exposure... then I let the water welcome me in and away I went!  (My Service Dog stood tensely at poolside, wondering where I had gone and whether he should jump in after me!  He soon realized that I was fine, that I was playing and he so desperately wanted to join me.  He was a Good Boy, tho, and lay on his towel-bed I had set down for him.)

The satisfaction I have lived just in those 15 minutes is unexplainable.  I have a slight migraine coming on this morning (I’m guessing from the elevated release of toxins) so I’ll need to drink a full gallon of water + go for a little walk but I’m SO LOOKING FORWARD to another chance to feel like a fish in water!!!!!

November 3, 2016 A Nice Long Autumn

I'm really having a tough time... just have never recovered from the February fiasco at the beach (see “progress notes” under “Lyme Treatment” page), but I know I've had enjoyable times even within the suffering days.  Things that bring me joy and thankfulness:

Today’s a rough one (I’m having more and more of those but it’s hot out and I DO NOT DO HEAT) but I was still able to push myself to shower and wash my (very long, heavy) hair (husband “on alert” in case I get too weak and need him; a chair awaits me to plop down onto the second I exit the shower.  From there, I go lie down on my bed for about 15 minutes to catch my breath and gain some strength to put something on for clothes.)  I swept the bathroom floor and cleaned the kitchen.  I also forced myself to walk outside to check on our newborn calf/mother/her bag and feed her some grain.  While out, I consoled our intact goat buck, Abraham (you know the song: “Father Abraham Has Many Sons”... he’s named for that as he’s our breeder buck!)  Seems his goat family abandoned him to go roam and forage (my guess is he was napping and missed them strolling off.)  He’s got the funniest, wimpy little cry... and he’s a huge masculine guy!  I coaxed my llama to come to me, then tethered him to do his lawn grooming as usual.  I collected chicken eggs; we got 3 today!  Hooray!  I answered some emails and did a few minutes of (way easy) real estate stuff for my husband while he is out showing land.  I also enjoyed a couple of hours on YouTube learning Bible stuff.

I’m just now putting 2 loaves of bread in the oven (I’m trying to learn to bake with organic gluten free flour... it’s NOT working... ugh.)  This stuff will be super hard and has not raised.  If I had the energy, I’d fry it up and we'd eat it as more of a “fry bread” toast.  But, since I've got no energy and no oxygen (very short of breath) today, into the oven it goes.  Sabbath comes in a few hours; I’ll probably have a glass of wine with some pain pills and try to relax this oh-so-aching body.

Praise YHVH for my “being able” through the suffering today.

June 30, 2016  I'm in charge of the farm today as my husband left early for “the field” (real estate work [go to and pretend you are out in nature with him!]) all day in this 90+ degree heat. He took with him our newest member of our family, “Chosen” (a 1 yr old Pit/Husky rescue dog whom I'm working with to train as my new Service Dog.)  It’s just Max (my current Service Dog) and me and the farm and our wonderfully cool (for the most part) house.

I'm not a morning person but, by 9 a.m., I had drunk my celery juice (way huge nutrition and gut healing), practiced “stillness” in my infrared sauna x 11 minutes (am taking that super slowly as it can bring “die off” which brings a herx reaction if I’m not super prepped for it), enjoyed a cup of coffee and 8 oz of fresh, cold well water while checking my emails and boiling fresh farm eggs (think egg salad sandwiches!), got dressed and went outside to tether my llama near the creek area to eat down the way tall grasses/weeds (he loves the creek... he stands in it to cool his feet off and get big drinks!)  I’ve already milked my goat and released the herd to free range in our back acreage + my neighbor’s weedy hillside.

It’s 11 a.m. now; I just put in a load of laundry and it’s time for my organic “meal replacement” yummy smoothy (I’ll add organic avocado, some Vit D3 and some fresh strawberries from our organic bed.)  I’ll munch on some homemade goat milk sourdough bread and maybe watch that silly “Andy Griffith Show” on Netflix (time to take a breather and let my brain/body relax!)  Once the energy returns (I pray it does!) I’ll study some Scripture and maybe turn on the A/C in my craft room where I’m in the middle of making a bunch of cards of encouragement to send out to suffering people with various health crises.


June 15, 2016  Baking and Lots of Other Stuff!!!  What a fantastic day!

Don't know where the energy came from but I'm hoping it's from the infrared sauna my husband just bought me!  (See treatment page.)  Just 3 minutes x 1 a day gave me immediate pain relief, especially in my low back and hands.  Today is the FIRST DAY IN A LONG LONG TIME that I've not been lying on the couch, at least for part of a day.

What I did today:

June 4, 2016  It’s 90+ degrees here and I don’t do well in heat at all.

Today, I “earthed” in the sand down by our amazing creek.  My new doctor (see “treatment” on the Lyme pages) described the startling healing sensation I get at the ocean while standing on the sand as “earthing.”  I think it’s more than just the dirt/sand... the negative ions from those busy ocean waves (which is also part of this earth God created) do something wonderful to me... the horrifying winds on the beach DON’T, however.  Anywhoo, my doc says to get my hands and feet in the dirt, skin to earth. 

Yesterday’s experience took me back to my early childhood where I spent HOURS alone every summer day in our back yard totally absorbed in my play kitchen “baking” mud pies!  It was a calming experience for a bit but I was in too much pain to enjoy sitting on a log for very long.  Still, it was great while it lasted.

May 27, 2016  Today, I helped my husband with some farm chores including milking our dairy goat!!!  I've not been able to do that in a long time due to swollen, sore, uncoordinated hands and back pain.

May 26, 2016  Things have been ROUGH (see progress notes page under Lyme Treatment.)  Today, tho, I celebrate, even in my agony, that I was able to complete all of my regular treatments/regime (a checklist consisting of 21 things that take my entire day!  Ugh!)  I was even able to soak in a 104 degree tub after doing full-body dry brushing!  Detox detox detox!  Being able to work on this website for awhile is another huge accomplishment!  Yahoo!

September 29, 2015  I’ve been back home on the farm since the end of August to be a support to my husband and community during the worst forest fires in our area’s history.  I head back to “my ocean” in a few days.

My life consists of ... well... changing my life!  I spend a lot of my day “doing treatment” (see “treatment” page under Lyme Disease.)  I have to change the way I eat and even drink fluids.  I have to change the way I sleep, the clothes I wear, the entertainment I choose.   I have to change the way I think, the way I talk to myself and others... I have to change my view of things... and I have to be dedicated to this endeavor for the rest of my life.

July 7, 2015  Dingy brown is for Dry Dangerous Summer in the Northwest (temps back home on the farm are high 90’s-100 for an unusually prolonged time... local longtime rancher there says he’s not seen it that dry in all of the 70 years he’s been a cattleman.  Here on the beach, we’ve not had rain in over a month.  NOT NORMAL.)

But on to the good news: Yesterday was an AMAZING day... it was my “2nd day” after a super fun 4th of July weekend (with a long-time friend and my daughter.  We yard sale-d ALL DAY LONG!!!  Me!!!  On my feet, having fun, pacing myself.)  “2nd days” are always big time bad for me.  Instead of huge suffering, I did some real estate stuff, including meeting with an agent and spending 3 hours walking property!  AND I DID IT WITH A MIGRAINE!  Today was spent trying to get rid of the 2-day migraine.  It was about a 3/10 spoon count... until the migraine went away.  Then, I did laundry, discovered and cleaned some craft items that I salvaged from an outbuilding, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned and froze strawberries, fixed dinner, showered/washed my hair (it’s very long and heavy and that chore usually sends me to bed for a rest) and now I’m on here... updating my website and checking my emails!


July 1, 2015  Regarding Celebrating (My Own Little Bit of) INDEPENDENCE

Tho I’m weary today (but have still done a small load of laundry organized a bit of this still-not-settled beach haven and worked on this website), I celebrate!  3 days ago, I moved and hauled and shifted a lot of misc (including donations and garbage) in a little outbuilding I hope to turn into my craft room and free up our teeny tiny beach house 2nd bedroom for grandkids, guests and other such enjoyable creatures!  The day after that, I took our fabulous mouser kitty, “Orange One,” to the vet (cellulitis-turning-to-abcess from a  fight with some sort of beastie... typical for this once-feral cat) and did some 2nd Hand Store scavenging.  Yesterday was a “bad body day” but, WITHOUT FOG!!!  Even thru the slightly blurred vision and continued vertigo with certain head/neck positions, I was able to assemble my own office chair!  Wow!,  I’ve not done something like that in over 15 years!

Hoooorraaaayyyy for Independence! (July 4, America’s Independence Day right around the corner, too!)

June 26, 2015

Today, I saw a Naturopathic Chiropractor who is also a Doctor of Chinese Medicine who  hones in on chronic disease.  I have NEVER had a doctor require so much detail in describing nor take so much interest in HOW I FEEL physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.  (In Chinese Medicine, the whole person requires balance.) 

We talked in his office for over an hour.  In summing up all of my debilitating symptoms, I said, “I feel like I’m suffocating, like I’m dieing but can’t die.”  He doesn't buy into the term, “fibromyalgia” (praise God!)  His first best guess, without having examined my physical body or doing any testing, is LYME DISEASE.  He was my very first chiropractor after my work-related (nursing) low back/nerve injury resulting in Myofacial Pain Syndrome in around 1992; he did more for me in the short 2 years that I saw him than anything western medicine had done since the injury in 1986, and then he was “only” a chiropractor!  Now, with his added study/credentials and his passion to turn chronic illness into wellness, I know I’m in the right place.

I’m more than ready to get started, even if it means having to give up on the Guaifenesin protocol.  Maybe that treatment has taken me as far as it could (from bedridden and “Alzheimer’s-like” to beginning a new career (real estate) is a great thing!) I’ll always be thankful to God for leading us in that direction...

 but today is a new day with new knowledge!




I woke from a good sleep and was able to accomplish MORE than I had on my list (my list usually is FULL and I know it’s unrealistic... UNTIL YESTERDAY!!!)  I was ready (dressed on one of my favorite summer outfits perfect for windy beach weather) to load the car but decided that Max, the Wonder Service Dog, was acting way toooo much like a playful dog about to go the ocean to play (no, we’re headed to town, Max!)  I left him home... alone... in a strange house (we’ve only been here 2 weeks as of today!) FOR OVER 7 HOURS!  He as never been left like that before but I had to do it.  Fighting him to get him to focus on work (helping me walk a straight line) is just way too energy draining.

I hope my excitement can be felt by this list of stuff I did yesterday:



June 11, 2015  Beach colors, sounds and waves are more pronounced on high tide!

I learned a lot today... or at least I hope I LEARNED!  Learning is an EXCELLENT THING!

June 10, 2015... Red is for Strawberries and the Red Hat Society!

Today, I lie in bed, medicated pretty heavily for the pain, concentrating on breathing deeply and trying to relax through this present suffering.  This agony is no surprise: look what I did yesterday!

While I am saddened that I had to turn down my first invitation by a new friend (my neighbor) to have lunch and get to know some ladies in the local Red Hat Society (I’ve never been to something like that before), I praise God for the good couple of hours I had this a.m and other hours and days I’ve had.  As soon as I have enough energy to walk 30 feet to my mailbox, I’ll take in the comforting view of the mowing job that me, myself and I completed yesterday. 

P.S.  Last evening, I found 4 small but juicy, tasty, beautiful red strawberries peeking out through years of choking grass and weeds in an old garden spot which the former owner had, long ago, lovingly and tended to! 

The hidden message in that blessing: LIFE IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!

June 9, 2015  These colors are for OCEAN and BEACH. 

Huge changes have taken place in our lives!  (See note from Feb 17, 2015.)  I researched the healing qualities of the ocean (get on YouTube and enter “The Healing Power of the Ocean” in the search bar!) and, from my findings and my experience (twice visiting the beach) in FEELING WAY DIFFERENT...WAY BETTER while hanging out right on the beach-- breathing in the air, walking on the sand, studying the wave patterns of the water and focusing on the powerful roar of the waves--(flying a kite, if the string doesn't cut into my fingers, does AMAZING stuff for me), we decided to buy property on the remote Long Beach peninsula of WA state!  God led us to a little, aged mobile home, our “beach house!”  I am sitting in a lawn chair in my little living room as I write this!  Just 3 days after I made the difficult 10 hr drive, I was packing up boxes of stuff left by the former owner and hauling them down porch stairs onto shelves in the garage!  I’ve weed-eated the JUNGLE of a back yard (yep, I sure did hurt the next day, but only for A LITTLE WHILE and the fatigue also faded quickly!) Today, I’ve been mowing my yard, doing dishes, and working on the place a bit a time to make it our “home away from home.”  I’ve been here 9 days and have only had ONE entirely “bad” day... yesterday.  Even the recovery time is amazing!!!  I love the friendly little town and our neighbors are fantastic.

It’s all good.

I praise YHVH.

May 3, 2015  Red is for TULIPS!!!  Happy Spring!

I felt GOOD this a.m....after I went back to bed for 3 hours.  Right now, I’m baking my 3rd loaf of goat milk sourdough bread and working on my 5th load of laundry.  Yes, I’ve probably overdone it today, but I am so happy to have had a reprieve from the suffering on this gorgeous, sunny day of country living.

April 26, 2015  Regarding Depression, Anger and Fighting Through The Torture

Lots of good things (and some very tragic things) have happened this spring on the farm.  Emotions run high which is not typically a good thing for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Fibro sufferers and definitely not for me.  Something very strange that I learned yesterday (because we participated in a LifeLine Health Clinic) is that I’ve apparently had high blood pressure trying to creep in on me but that my nutritional supplements, namely Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid, have been keeping it at the high range of normal.  I’ve been out of those supplements for over a month and now, unbeknownst to me until yesterday, I’m stumbling around with dangerously high BP.  This is A VERY BIG DEAL.  As I researched all of the prescriptions I’ve been on FOR YEARS (pain med, migraine med, anti-depressant + Guaifenisin) I discovered (through no help from my pharmacist nor docs) that THEY ALL CAN CAUSE ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE!!!

While anxiety and panic tried to swallow me up, I forced myself to find a  “wonderful part of a day” today;  I took more Omega 3 Cod Liver Oil and some Acetyl L Carnitine/Alpha Lipoic Acid hidden in a cupboard, then rested (between loads of laundry) on the couch with my feet up (I’ve felt horrible ever since I returned from the beach... like my neck and ears are all “full.”)  I use YouTube a ton and find stuff like new card-making ideas or pretty hair braiding techniques.  I will continue to troubleshoot to see what I can do naturally to make this body more comfortable to live in.  I will do what I can to deal with the pain and 32+ other symptoms in different ways that don’t cause high blood pressure and I WILL HOLD ON TO HOPE.

March 7, 2015  Regarding Spring, Bags, Teets, and Tractor Skating with a Back Injury

Oh, what a glorious Sabbath!  Deep blue sky (just one chemtrail in the distance) and temp expected to reach 50 today!   I have been left to take care of most of the chores myself (with tons of help from teen granddaughter) while dh takes a quick, much-needed mini-vacation.  I have made a list so that I can follow his precise order of things.  Of course, the “chores” take much longer for me  because it’s not only about getting the jobs done but about observing my land, fencing, beasties’ conditions and their activities.  Spring= New Life/new growth on the farm: I await my daffodils to begin to peek out of the icy dirt (not quite yet); the pasture will be drying out and soaking up the sunshine in order to start growing food for the animals,  the pond ice cover will seem to vanish almost over night (not quite yet); animals of the wild as well as of our farm are preparing to birth/hatch babies in the next few weeks.  “Tractor Skating” (we deliver hay to the beasties from a wagon attached to our lawn/snow tractor) across snow and ice is much smoother/easier on my back than bouncing, jerking, jolting over rough sod in the spring!  I like it!  

God has blessed us with a very aggressive, 2nd or 3rd generation “broody” hen... she wants to, demands to, now set on her nest... even without eggs!  This is a very wonderful thing (most hens have had that instinct technologically destroyed) but since it’s way too cold at night yet to hatch/maintain outdoor, hen-cared-for chicks, I keep shooing her off.  “Ma’am” the dairy goat, pregnant by her son [yes, animals can do that], looks HUGE already, even  has teets enlarging tho doesn't look like she’s bagging up. (Need to get the “nursery” and birthing kit, including empty animal feed bags, ready.) She’s not due until around the 2nd week of April.  “Baby Girl” goat looks to be progressing according to schedule (her first pg.).  “Evelyn,” our cow, is developing 5 obvious teets!  Ugh, she’s not due until July (her first pg, too!)  (Did you know that cows carry their young for 9 months just like humans do?)

I have asked the LORD to protect us from our mammals having triplets (that would require our STRENUOUS efforts to bottle feed around the clock, something dh has no interest in nor time for and I have NO WAY the amount of stamina that would require.  Father God, if we do have more than twins per cow/goat,  please be arranging for someone else to want to purchase/adopt the infant/s that will require MUCH care.

February 17, 2015  Regarding Vacation, Ocean Air, Vertigo, Grandchildren, Farm Life, Sunshine and Rekindling Relationships

Today is another absolutely gorgeous, sunshiny day with temps in the 40’s!  Could this be the beginning of spring already?  That would be fantastic... if we get plenty of moisture to hold forest fires at bay.

With all the symptoms continuing to attack and much emotional stress causing me even more torture, I decided to (have my family help me) pack up my Jeep (new winter tires for travel in winter in the Northwest!),  and my Service Dog and I headed to the beach some 10 hours driving time (for a healthy person) away. (Note: I have no vertigo when driving!???)  I took my time and some mini-vacations (precious “us” time with each of my “coastie” grandbabies individually was a rare delight!) along the way before I finally reached the waves!  OH HOW GLORIOUS!  My body reacted in a very positive way to being near the ocean.  (I'll research sea level and ocean air to see if that environment usually gives fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis victims significant relief.)  I felt better than I have in YEARS... until I returned to the east side of the Cascade range.  Ugh.

Reconnecting with precious, long-time friends was a sweet song to my soul, too.  Loving and being loved is an amazingly healthful thing.  I anticipate many tender times together!

Victory on the Farm Front:  Upon returning home and once I finally gained enough strength to get dressed (1 week after being home/ being hit big time with the always-dreadful “fibro-flare,”) I ventured out to our pasture to visit with all of my farm beasties, play fetch with Max and to coax my llama/alpaca cross, “Freckles,” into his shelter so that he could “hook up.”  (While he refuses to come to my call, he has learned to put his nose into his halter once he’s trapped.)  He was perfectly cooperative on lead and I was even able to attach two lead ropes, one on each side of him, then stand BEHIND HIM and walk as tho I was in a buggy (my ultimate goal for him is to pull me in a cart.)  I’M ONE HAPPY “CAMEL” OWNER!  (Llamas are of the camelid family.  No humps for storing water, tho!)

January 3, 2015 Orange is for Enteric Coated Aspirin

Regarding Breaks in Vertigo and Visual Interference

I felt a bit better this early a.m. (had my 1st chiropractic treatment in a long time yesterday.  He found a lot of swelling around many discs; I’ve been taking enteric-coated aspirin today to take down the swelling even tho it BLOCKS Guaifenesin and is a definite NO-NO for the protocol to be as successful as “possible.”  To me, each of us has to do what she/he has to do on any given day to get by.  (Right now, stabilizing my spine is more important than losing a couple of days of blood saturation on Guai.)  I celebrate those few hours of feeling a bit of relief!  I even got to do more research on the Internet and work on this web site a bit!

January 2, 2015 Regarding Xrays and Chiropractor

More super rough days.  Increased, debilitating vertigo prior to chiropractic tx. Much muscle pain.   Good news is that the vertebral degeneration, while continuing, is slow.  No new subluxations or bulging discs, etc.  What I did today?  Brought a smile to my chiropractor’s and wife’s faces when I gifted them with goat milk sourdough bread!

December 26, 2014  Very rough day today but let’s talk about what I did yesterday! 

Regarding Farm Life:

Winter temps were mild (25 degrees, no wind, still have much beautiful white stuff on the ground.)  I LOVE that sort of weather. I also love playing with my goats, especially Abraham, our breeding buck which we birthed on our own farm (see Dec 13 for a good description of him.)  Since his job is to be fruitful and multiply, his name was just a natural choice  (“the father of many sons” in the Scriptures.)  He’s VERY different from our (dairy goat) girls and neutered (dairy goat) yearling buck.  Today, I once again enjoyed petting/cooing over Abraham.  I’m working with him to not become aggressive... so I speak softly (and carry a big stick!)  He likes the attention but I can see the struggle he has in wanting to “play horns” with me.  He’s learned to be pretty gentle with his apparent authority over the herd (he even bosses “Freckles, “ our llama/alpaca, around!) but one good head butt tells everybody (except “Ma’am,” our first goat and definitely the matriarch) who’s boss.  Oh how I want to have him learn to be tame but viral and strong, too.  If he can’t manage that (most intact male goats can’t from what I’ve read), he’ll have to be food for us instead of breeding stock/a pet.  We will cover his horns with flexible rubber hose (like we did to Ma’am) so that he can’t spike someone.

Because of my continued vertigo and visual impairment/increased weakness and fatigue from lack of activity with this “post-concussion syndrome,” I’m not very good at moving about; I took my time at walking around the farm yard, feeding vegi/fruit scraps to everybody from my hand.  We then set a lawn chair out in the goat yard where Abraham could come to me whenever he desired (hint: Jiggle the [empty now] grain container and watch him come!.]  He never once raised up on his hind legs (he’s surprisingly tall when he does that!) to horn me!  THAT’S GREAT NEWS!

December 21, 2014

Regarding Chimney Fires and House Cleaning

[Lots of beautiful snow!]  We don’t recognized December 25 as anything special (“Christ-mas” isn’t Biblical) so I have none of the hassle and stress that comes with all the decorating, baking, shopping, etc.  We gave that up many years ago and WOW is it ever freeing.  For us, our biggest family event of the year is Thanksgiving.

So, back to the subject that this page addresses; sometimes the question for people with chronic disabling disease has to be, “What CAN I do today” rather than, “What did I do today?”  More systemic pain than usual today; think it’s the lingering effects of falling on the icy lawn during our chimney fire (had to call 911 and 3 trucks with crews, all volunteer, came to be sure we were safe.)  Everything turned out ok (praise YHVH for His Hand on our home and on us!) but now I have that good ole “adrenalin crash.”

Still, I was able to do something today that really surprised me: I bent way down and scrubbed the slime out of the shower door track!  I also cleaned the toilet!  I’ve been avoiding serious bending that these sort of activities involve... the vertigo gets way worse when I bend down.  I figured I’m gonna feel like warmed-over road kill anyway... why not make it worthwhile!  I’ll just know that the next couple of days will probably bring on much more pain and vertigo... and I’ll live with that.

December 13, 2014  Another glorious Sabbath

Regarding Farm Life:

The power is out countywide for no known reason, but we are always ready for these sorts of things so, honestly, being prepared for long outages makes enjoying THE QUIET really fun.  I took this opportunity to bundle up and head out to play with my farm animals (it’s partially sunny and 26 degrees F outside... perfect winter weather.  Still have ice and snow in places but the cooler temps make things way less slippery.  The gradual warming temperatures may have allowed the snow moisture to absorb into the ground... which helps prevent forest fires!  Thank God!)  

I miss my farm animals, (See photos under “Country Living” page) especially my goats, and have become enamored with our 1st intact buck, “Abraham.”  (Hopefully, even tho his legs are way short [he’s only 7 months old] he’s done “the job” and 2 of our 3 females are pg.)  He’s EVERYTHING AND MORE that I could have hoped for in the inherited traits of both parents: all of Ma’am, the Oberhausli/LaMancha’s preferred characteristics [intelligence, markings, way short ears] but nice and stocky --that solid, “thick” build-- his daddy is a Boer goat (used for meat.)  I’ve had to give him very special attention and training so as to keep his aggression at bay.  He wants to “play horns” with me (dangerous... could even be lethal) but he has always responded well to firm tone/discipline.  He likes to “cuddle” and enjoys a good rubdown and I actually don’t mind his GOATY SMELL.  To me, it symbolizes virility.  To everybody else in our family, it means STAY AS FAR FROM HIM AS POSSIBLE.  His in-heat wives prefer his “cologne!”

The post-concussion syndrome symptoms continue so I had to be especially careful not to turn or move my head quickly.  I moved about very slowly, very deliberately, and did well... oh how refreshing to be outside having fun.

November 29, 2014

Regarding Fulfilling a Dream

 I’VE LEARNED MY PIANO TUNE!  (Understand that I have chronic short-term memory loss (thanks to fibromyalgia or WHATEVERITIS) so learning anything is super difficult. 

I was toooo frazzled during the Thanksgiving holiday to play it (as a gift) for my friend on my way fun keyboard but I will do that this week, even if she has to listen over the phone.  The Post-Concussion Syndrome has made playing the keyboard, reading, computer work, crafting, sewing, cleaning, loading the dishwasher, doing laundry... even watching tv... very difficult and UN-FUN. 

[UPDATE: we recorded my playing on our cell phone and emailed an attachment to her.  I was very anxious about accomplishing the task I had worked for so long toward; the head injury sx seem to cause weird “brain freezes” where I completely forget how to do something.]  My friend was very “impressed” and pleased.  I was so very thankful to God that He intervened and allowed me to play the song.  I could play it pretty well all the way through ONCE when I first sat down at the keyboard, but the more I practiced, the worse I got (?head positioning?)]

Today is a relaxing Sabbath with husband, daughter and granddaughter and is cherished after the very hectic, LOUD, busy Thanksgiving celebration with a house full.  I’ve come to learn that this horrid dizziness is probably from concussions!   I enjoyed being with the little grandkids and my heart was warmed by seeing the continued healing and growth in our son but WOW am I ever wiped.  Looking forward to playing with my farm animals and messing around in my card room/sewing room.  I think I gave, via mail or in person, about 20 handmade, filled-with-love Thanksgiving cards + a self-created pattern for a Seahawks (go Seattle!) fleece blanket for son’s gift.

November 20, 2014

Regarding Being Flexible:

It’s been exactly one month since I’ve been able to get back to this digest.  On November 12, I hit my head really hard on a cabinet. Days later, I began to experience that same severe vertigo that I had last January (after a head slam)  which never completely went away.  It’s been a very rough time and all of my “best laid plans” have sat collecting dust.  However, the LORD hears my prayers and has answered them by keeping depression and many of the almost infinite number of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Fibro) symptoms at bay.

Having said this, here are a few things that I’ve been FORCING MYSELF to do in order to stay “active:”

October 20, 2014

Regarding Patience and Finding SOMETHING To Do:

Taking two steps forward, one back, one forward, three back, two forward, one back, two forward, two more forward, one back... you know the drill.  Yet, this fall has been so gorgeous that, even in my pain, the cooler temps, vivid colors and luscious smells of autumn encourage me to fight on.  I’ve made a lot of sour goat’s milk sourdough bread, baked some yummy apple crisp and deep fried some apple fritters from the orchard apples our daughter-in-law had gleaned from her uncle’s orchard.   Yesterday, I helped get some firewood cut and loaded into our trailer.  I continue with weekly/bi-monthly TMJ Disorder treatment requiring me to travel 2+ hours over a mountain pass for each visit to the dentist.

This next month, we will enjoy the company of our granddaughter while her mother forges into the promotion (requiring some travel) at work.  I GET TO TEACH AGAIN... at least a bit.  I AM BLESSED; we all are!

September 30, 2014  the last day in this month

Regarding Being With People You Love Who Love You (And Protecting Your Immune System):

I am sitting in my son’s/d-i-l’s love-saturated home on the gorgeous WA coast.  Our three grand babies, given by the LORD to  this young couple very much in love, are FABULOUS.  I got to teach a bit to our Kindergartner (my favorite grade) and pre-schooler boys.  We studied “s” and words beginning with “s” like “seaweed” and “seashell.”  Mom has been reading about Johnny Appleseed to them and they had a field-trip to her family’s orchard where they gleaned apples!  Today, we used apple stamps to make beautiful “flower” designs and all of us will be doing a lot of baking soon!  Applesauce is in the plan for tonight; homeschool never ends, as the children’s mom is discovering!  We also began a science project where we placed a dried pea in a canning jar between its wall and a damp paper towel (acting as a wick.)  In two days, roots will be visible and soon a sprout will start growing!  Life is exciting!  Mr. Pre-schooler practiced holding his scissors the correct way and he cut 22 squares!  He can count to 11 without help!

Even though our time together for this vacation has just started, it was blessed.  We had all looked forward to a few more days together but, since the household is coming down with “the crud” and Grandma is beginning to feel a sore throat, itchy eyes, etc,  I’ve got to pack and be homebound (driving 300 miles alone with my Service Dog) before I REALLY get sick.  I’ll leave tomorrow a.m. after breakfast and break up the trip at daughter’s/grandd’s for one or two days.  If I’m too sick to drive the whole way home alone, daughter will lead me half way and husband will meet us and lead me the rest of the way home (brain fog is NOT a friend to a navigator!)

September 9  5 p.m.

Regarding Learning New Fun Things:

I’m in the middle of baking goat milk (yep, hand raised and milked by Yours Truly and hubby!) sour dough bread for the second time in my life!  I LOVE IT!  While I wait for the loaves to rise, I am working on this web site.  It’s a gorgeous fall day!

September 8, 2014

Regarding Adjusting Health Care Plan As Needed/Celebrating Exhilarating Experiences:

  The past few weeks have been amazing.  Even with the difficult drive over a high mountain pass a couple of times (dental appointments) didn’t keep me down!  HAVE MADE SOME CHANGES in my care plan:

FUN THINGS I’VE BEEN DOINGI’ve been making “waterfall” cards like crazy so that I can REMEMBER how to do it.  Excellent therapy and a sense of accomplishment.  I made birthday cards and a cute baby card which I gifted to a precious friend of mine who has just received her 1st grandniece into this world! THANK YOU, YHVH, FOR LIFE!  I made 11 much simpler but meaningful cards of encouragement and sent them off to members of Christian Healthcare Ministries.

I was able to manage our home and little hobby farm alone while dh took a mini-vacation to visit kids/grandkids.  I spent 6 hours with another granddaughter at our county fair.  (I look forward to this every year but many times don’t feel well enough to go.  I had my LRS [“little red scooter”] and a willing accomplice who takes turns riding it so that I can change position often.)  While there, I demo’d and purchased a fabulous, compact TENS unit (smaller than a smart-phone).  All I can say is that I wish I had an entire body suit of gel pad so that I could hit all of the painful, stiff areas with the electrical stimulation!  I’m super happy with it as is my husband who places pads on his neck and low back after a heavy day of driving or working the hobby farm.

I worked real estate!  Yes Ma’am/Sir!  I actually returned to the office and worked up some new customer info and answered phones/ some emails for a couple of EFFICIENT hours!

Last Sabbath, we took our boat (like a small dingy) out around our MIRACULOUSLY filling pond!  We’ve not had that privilege for a season or two since it started draining for some reason.  WAY FUN!  Then, yesterday, I made sour goat milk sour dough bread for the first time in my life!  In fact, it’s the first time I’ve ever made bread that turned out!  THAT’S VICTORY!  (I’m all about making more very soon so that I can move the recipe and process from the short-term memory [which I have none of] to long-term storage in my brain.  I’m out of bread flour, tho, so need to get to town soon! [I let the bread machine do all the mixing and kneading so my body isn’t worked too hard.  I let it rise and bake in bread pans, conventional oven-baked]

August 25 ?

Regarding Farm Life:

9 a.m., In the heat of the summer, I’m still able to breathe in a bit of the coolness from the night before, and tethered my llama/alpaca, Freckles, out by himself over by the WAY OVERGROWN pond area.  He’s coming along in his training BEAUTIFULLY and an extra huge blessing is that he will tether alone.  These beasties are herd animals and usually totally freak out if tethered or pastured alone.  HE COULDN’T CARE LESS.  Thank You, LORD, for bringing this orphan into my life.  He’s good for me.  Oh those dreamy eyes and soft face!  Could You give me answers as to how we are going to be able to work with his feet without him almost choking himself to death in a panic?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Regarding A Surprisingly Positive Response to Travel:

1 p.m.  Two days ago, we drove over 150 miles, much of it on rugged, mountain “goat trails” to investigate some beautiful properties for possible real estate listings.  The rest of it was spent in the desert (which I hate) running errands.  The 1 1/2 hr drive home afterwards is always a WIPE-OUT for me and I expect the next day and DAY 2 to be horrible.  Yep, just as I figured.  HOWEVER, TODAY HAS BEEN FABULOUS SO FAR.  My feet are super swollen (side effects of Neurontin, which I am weaning myself off of) but I feel “good” otherwise.

So, this is what I’ve done SO FAR today (tho I am bad!  Have not eaten yet):

Monday, August 18, 2014: 

Regarding Farm Life in HOT Summer:

Yesterday was HORRIBLE; I was in bed until 5:30 p.m.  As the evening wore on, I began to feel a bit better.  TODAY, I woke up feeling achy (normal) but GOOD. I just got back inside (the heat was wiping me out or I’d still be out) from TRAINING my precious 3 MONTH-OLD GOAT BUCK, “Humperdink.”  (His name says it all.)  Oh how he hates to have to obey me.  I put a dog (body) halter on him, hooked him and his mom up to a double lead, had Ma’am walk with me and what a difference that made!  He actually cooperated... for a few minutes!  (Training animals should be presented as a fun thing and is done in short segments with lots of positive reinforcement.  Think of a 2 yoa child.  Animal minds might be compared to that stage of development.)

I also spent 2 hours working on this web site!  Whawhooooo!

Thursday, August 14, 2014: 

Regarding What a Difference A Few Hours Make:

I woke up feeling like I was in a “fibroflare” but, as the day wore on, I began to feel better.  Today I painted the floor inside of our new chicken coop my dh just built AND I made goat cheese!



